The 2024 Football season kicked off on Sunday night as the Centerville Football Program hosted its annual Player-Parent Meeting. Grades 7 thru 12 were represented and tons of information was shared. We are excited for another great football season this fall and look forward to watching all of our levels compete! The information below was shared by Coach Ullery following the meeting for anyone that missed. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to Coach Ullery at Go Elks!
First, let us thank everyone one more time for being at the meeting today. We appreciate everyone being there to support Centerville Football. There was tons of information shared, and as promised, here is the summary. Please save this email for future use if you'd like and please read the entire thing as there will be tons of information in this email as well.
Centerville Touchdown Club
The merging of the Quarterback Club and Mothers Club into this new, all-inclusive, one-stop-shop is big for Centerville Football. Please consider getting involved. In one way or another, we need volunteers to keep Centerville Football great and first-class. Please consider helping out. Please contact Greg Kerr and Tony Miltenberger if you would like to help out. They are both on this email.
If you have not registered, please do so asap. Here are the links:
7th Grade Football Registration:
8th Grade Football Registration:
Freshman Football Registration:
Varsity Football Registration:
Parent Square and Student Square
Reminder, make sure you are getting all Parent Square messages. If not, please let us know ASAP. Student-athletes should be downloading Student Square. EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE PUSH NOTIFICATIONS TURNED ON AND SET TO INSTANT.
Joining the Boosters is a great way to support Centerville Football and all of Centerville Athletics. Please email Tony Miltenberger for more information. This is totally different from the Touchdown Club, but equally as important.
EPND Night & OHSAA Meeting
Every family and athlete are required to watch the OHSAA video and sign the Google Form. It is not available yet, but during the summer, it will be uploaded to . You are required to know the information in the video and then sign the Google Form. There will surely be more communications about this as we get into the summer so keep your eyes peeled for that information.
The EPND Night will be July 28th at CHS. from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. As we know more about it, more information will be shared. Please plan on attending with your athlete. This is a great night to benefit a great fund to provide our athletes with great opportunities. Thank you in advance for making this a priority.
Value Cards
If you did not pick up your value cards tonight, please contact Greg Kerr. He's on this email. Value Card Blitz Day is at 10:00am on June 1st. The more that we sell before this date, the less we will have to sell on blitz day. Ask your teachers, neighbors, friends, etc...The sooner we can get this obligation to our program done, the better.
Equipment Fitting (Varsity-only)
Monday May 20th during 4th and 5th lunches. Please do not miss class and please make this a priority to get done. Other grade levels will communicate when they will have their equipment fitting days.
Calendar (Varsity-only)
Here is the link to the varsity calendar. All other calendars should come from your respective coaches.
Only the physical is on paper. Everything else is a digital form that must be completed by Saturday May 31st. You need to check your ParentSquare for a message from Sarah Swan with directions on where and how to fill out each form. This is a big step in convenience for our district families, so we need to make sure we get it done asap. If you cannot find the post, please send me an email and I will tag you in on a message to Sarah Swan to make sure you get taken care of.
Again, thank you everyone for your support. Hopefully this information helped answer your questions, but if not, please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly. I can either find your answer or connect you with someone who can. Enjoy the final week of the school year and we look forward to a great summer of Centerville Football!
Coach Ullery